


任天瑞  教授

1. 个人简介:

任天瑞教授,博士,博士生导师,BASF青年知识创新特等奖获得者。 1984年山西大学化学系本科毕业,1991年东北农业大学农学系硕士毕业,1996年中国农业大学应用化学系博士毕业。1999-2000年法国科学院昆虫生理研究所做高级访问学者,1996.7 - 2007.8, 在中国科学院过程工程研究所从事计算机辅助分子设计与材料合成研究,1998年被聘副研究员,任合成化学课题组组长。2007.9通过人才引进到上海师范大学工作,被聘为上海师范大学教授,有机化学学位点负责人,高分子化学学科带头人,校重点学科-资源化学负责人。兼职中科院水土保持研究所双岗研究员,中国化工学会生物化工专业委员会委员,中国农药学会理事,国家重大专项,863以及自然科学基金委项目评申专家

2. 主要研究方向:




3. 代表性科研项目:

1.Tianrui Ren,Suqin Ci, Zhiguo su. Predicting ligand-binding differences of α1 subtype and α6 subtype of GABAAreceptor using molecular modeling. Journal of Molecular tructure:Theochem 8162007511

2.Suqin Ci, Tianrui Ren*, Caixia Ma and Zhi guo Su. Modeling of αk/γ2 (k = 1, 2, 3 and 5) interface of GABAA receptor and docking studies with zolpidem: Implications for selectivity. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2007, 26 :537-545

3.Suqin Ci, Tianrui Ren*, Zhiguo Su. Modeling the interaction of fipronil-related non-competitive antagonists with the GABA β3-receptor. J. Mol.Model, 2007,13: 457-464

4.Suqin Ci, Tianrui Ren*, Zhiguo Su. Investigating the putative binding-mode of GABA and diazepam within GABAAreceptor using molecular modeling. The Protein Journal, 2008272,71-78

5.Tianrui Ren*,Yanhong Xie, Weiwen Zhu.Activities and toxicity of a novel plant growth regulator 2-Furan-2-yl-[1,3]Dioxolane. Journal of plant growth regulation. 200726(4)362368

6.Tianrui Ren*Ye ZhangWeiwen Zhu and Jiaju Zhou. A Copper-Free Efficient Palladium(II)- Catalyzed Coupling of Unactivated Aryl Iodides with Terminal Alkynes. Synthetic Communications, 2007, 37(19): 1-12(SCI

7.Ye Zhang, Weiwen Zhu, Tianrui Ren* and Yanhong Xie. An Improved Iodination of 2-Amino-5-nitrobenzonitrile. Org. Prep. Proceed. Int., 2007, 39: 90-93 (SCI )

8.Ye Zhang, Tianrui Ren*. Synthesis of Indolosulfonylureas, Potent Acetolactate Synthase Inhibitors. Org. Prep. Proceed. Int., 2006, 38: 469-473

9.Yong-hong, Li, Tian-Rui Ren*,Jian-ping, Guo,Jian-cheng, Liu. Maleopimaric anhydride ethyl ester.Acta Crystallographica Section E .2005,  E614305-4306

10.Yonghong Li,Xiaojun Zhang,Tian-Rui Ren*,Jiaju Zhou. New catalytic methods for the preparation of acetals from alcohols and aldehydes.Synthetic Communications.20063212):16791685

11.Wen-Sheng Xiang, Xiang-Jing W, Tian-Rui Ren*, Su-Qin Ci  .Purification of recombinant wheat cytochrome P450 monooxygenase expressed in yeast and its properties.  Protein Express and  Purification .2006,45(1): 54-59

12.Wen-Sheng Xiang, Xiang-Jing Wang, Tian-Rui Ren*& Xiu-Lian Ju.  Expression of a wheat cytochrome P450 monooxygenase  in yeast and its inhibition by glyphosate. Pest Management Science. 2004,61(4): 402-406 (SCI)

13.Wen-sheng Xiang, Wang Xiang jing, Ju Xiulian &Tian-Rui Ren*. Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase  immobilization as a model of herbicide metabolism in vitro.  High Technology Letters. 2004,10(2):9-12

14.Guo-Jun Zheng, Jian-Jun Wang, Tian-Rui Ren*,Liu Yang, Wan-Ru Sun. Lipase-catalysis of metyl-3-phenylglycidate, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2001, 12(4), 305-306

15.Tian-Rui Ren*, Yang Hong-Wei, Gao Xu, Yang Xin-Ling, Zhou Jia-Ju, Chen Fu-Heng. Design, synthesis and structure-activity relationships of novel HAP and ALS inhibitors. Pest Management Sci. 2000, 56: 218-226


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