![]() 黄金萍 副研究员 黄金萍,博士,副研究员,应用化学硕士生导师。长期从事无机材料和功能杂化材料的合成、分析表征及结构-性能关系研究。如:复合氧化物的X射线衍射结构确定、无机发光材料结构与荧光性能、金属-有机框架化合物(MOF)的合成、表征及结构-催化性能关系、聚合物荧光传感材料的合成等。在ACS-Inorganic Chemistry、Dalton Transaction、ACS Catalysis、Journal of Solid Chemistry、Journal of Luminescence、Advanced Powder Technology、光谱学与光谱分析、分子催化等国内外期刊发表论文多篇,申请专利多项。作为项目负责人,完成了上海师范大学校级科研基金项目三项;上海市教委科研创新基金项目一项;作为主要参与者参加了国家自然科学基金项目,国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项项目和上海市科委纳米技术专项的研究工作。邮箱:[email protected]
近年发表的研究论文: (1)Jinping Huang, Wei Wang, Hexing Li*. Water–Medium Organic Reactions Catalyzed by Active and Reusable Pd/Y Heterobimetal–Organic Framework. ACS Catal. 2013, 3, 1526-1536. (2)Jinping Huang*, Binghu. Hou, Hongya. Ling, Jie Liu, Xibin Yu. Crystal Structure, Electronic Structure, and Photoluminescence Properties of La3BW1-xMo xO9:Eu3+ Red Phosphor. Inorg. Chem.2014, 53, 9541-7. (3)Hongya Ling, Jinping Huang*, Binghu Hou, Jie Liu, Xibin Yu. Structure and Photoluminescence of a Blue-Green-Emitting Phosphor for near-UV White LEDs. J. Am. Ceram. Soc.2014, 97, 2116-2123. (4)Jinping Huang*, Jun Xu, Hongshan Luo, Xibin Yu, Yikang Li. Effect of Alkali-Metal Ions on the Local Structure and Luminescene for Double Tungstate Compounds AEu(WO4)2 (A = Li, Na, K), Inorg. Chem.2011, 50, 11487−11492. (5)Jinping Huang*, Jun Xu, Hexing Li, Hongshan Luo, Xibin Yu, Yikang Li. Determining the structure of tetragonal Y2WO6 and the site occupation of Eu3+ dopant, J. Solid State Chem.2011, 184, 843–847. (6)Jinping Huang*, Hongshan Luo, Pingle Zhou, Xibin Yu, Yikang Li. Synthesis and luminescent properties of Y6W2O15:Eu3+ phosphors, J. Lumin.2007, 126, 881–885. (7)Jinping Huang*, Hongshan Luo, Xibin Yu, Yikang Li, Weilong Zou. White-light emission derived from yttrium tungstate-chloride xerogel without activator ions, J. Lumin. 2008, 128, 589–594. (8)黄金萍,凌红亚,李和兴*. Au纳米粒子植入Zr金属有机框架化合物(Zr-MOF)用于催化水介质中的A3偶联反应.分子催化 2013, 27(1),1-9. (9)Lili Liu, Jinping Huang*, Yaomiao Feng, Jie Liu, Xibin Yu. Synthesis and Characterization of Ultralong Nanofibrillar and Hydroxyapatite Powder. Adv. Powder Technol.2015, 26, 428–433. (10)Yaomiao Feng, Jinping Huang*, Lili Liu, Jie Liu and Xibin Yu. Enhancement of white-light-emission from single-phase Sr5(PO4)3F: Eu2+, Mn2+ phosphors for near-UV white LEDs. Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 15006-15073. 授权专利: (1)侯炳虎,黄金萍,一种高效红色荧光材料及其制备方法,2013. 5.13,上海,ZL 2013 1 0176017.8。 (2)凌红亚,黄金萍,李和兴,一种非均相Au/Zr-MOF催化剂及其制备方法和用途,2012.10.30,上海,ZL 2012 1 0422400.2。 (3)黄金萍,凌红亚,李和兴,一种双金属Pd/Y-MOF非均相催化剂及其制备方法和应用,2012.10.30,上海,ZL 2012 1 0422382.8。 (4)喻华,李娟,黄金萍,张彩霞,一种从含钒石煤中同时提取钒和硅的方法,2012.2.27,江苏南通,ZL 2012 1 0046321.6。 更新日期:2015年10月 |