



1. 个人简介:


邮箱:[email protected]


1997.09—2002.03,工学博士, 上海交通大学化学化工学院材料学(硕博连读)

1993.09—1997.08学士, 上海交通大学应用化学系 高分子材料



2019.03-至今,上海师范大学 研究员

2007.03—2019.02中国科学院上海应用物理研究所 研究员、博士生导师

2002.09—2007.03 日本早稻田大学理工学综合研究所 JSPS特别研究员、客员讲师


2. 主要研究方向:

[1] 绿色印染,通过接枝聚合的方法开展纺织品节能环保的绿色印染以及功能纺织品的研究



3. 代表性科研项目:

[1] 辐射法制备动态超疏水棉布的研究2015-2018



[4] 辐射接枝法制备燃料电池用质子交换膜的新途径,2009-2011

[5] 预辐射接枝法制备交联型含氟质子交换膜,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2009-2010

[6] 膜材料辐射改性功能化的机理和应用研究,中国科学院百人计划择优支持, 2008-2011


4. 代表性论文著作:


[1]Chen, L., Shi, G., Shen, J., Peng, B., Zhang, B., Wang, Y., Bian, F., Wang, J., Li, D., Qian, Z., Xu, G., Liu, G., Zeng, J., Zhang, L., Yang, Y., Zhou, G., Wu, M.*, Jin, W.*, Li, J.*, and Fang, H.*, Ion sieving in graphene oxide membranes via cationic control of interlayer spacing. Nature, 2017. 550(7676): p. 415-418. 共同通讯作者

[2]Yan, F., Yu, C., Zhang, B., Zou, T., Zhao, H., and Li, J. *, Preparation of freestanding graphene-based laminar membrane for clean-water intake via forward osmosis process. RSC Advances, 2017. 7(3): p. 1326-1335.

[3]Li, J. *, Wang, Z., and Yu, M., Preparation of Dynamic Superhydrophobic Cotton Fabric via Radiation-induced Graft Polymerization. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2017(2): p. 315-320.

[4]Zhao, J., Zhang, B., Yu, C., Liu, Y., Wang, W., and Li, J. *,Graphene oxide: A potential bodyguard protecting proteins from photosensitive damage. Carbon, 2016. 109: p. 487-494.

[5]Zhang, B., Guo, X., Xie, S., Liu, X., Ling, C., Ma, H., Yu, M., and Li, J. *,Synergistic nanofibrous adsorbent for uranium extraction from seawater. RSC Advances, 2016. 6(85): p. 81995-82005.

[6]Yu, M., Li, W., Wang, Z., Zhang, B., Ma, H., Li, L., and Li, J. *,Covalent immobilization of metal-organic frameworks onto the surface of nylon-a new approach to the functionalization and coloration of textiles. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6.

[7]Yu, M., Wang, Z., Lv, M., Hao, R., Zhao, R., Qi, L., Liu, S., Yu, C., Zhang, B., Fan, C., and Li, J. *,Antisuperbug Cotton Fabric with Excellent Laundering Durability. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016. 8(31): p. 19866-19871.

[8]Yu, C., Zhang, B., Yan, F., Zhao, J., Li, J., Li, L., and Li, J. *,Engineering nano-porous graphene oxide by hydroxyl radicals. Carbon, 2016. 105: p. 291-296.

[9]Xie, S., Zhao, J., Zhang, B., Wang, Z., Ma, H., Yu, C., Yu, M., Li, L., and Li, J. *,Graphene Oxide Transparent Hybrid Film and Its Ultraviolet Shielding Property. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015. 7(32): p. 17558-17564.

[10]Xie, S., Liu, X., Zhang, B., Ma, H., Ling, C., Yu, M., Li, L., and Li, J. *,Electrospun nanofibrous adsorbents for uranium extraction from seawater. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015. 3(6): p. 2552-2558.

[11]Li, J., Li, J. *, Meng, H., Xie, S., Zhang, B., Li, L., Ma, H., Zhang, J., and Yu, M., Ultra-light, compressible and fire-resistant graphene aerogel as a highly efficient and recyclable absorbent for organic liquids. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014. 2(9): p. 2934-2941.

[12]Deng, B., Cai, R., Yu, Y., Jiang, H., Wang, C., Li, J., Li, L., Yu, M., Li, J. *, Xie, L., Huang, Q., and Fan, C., Laundering Durability of Superhydrophobic Cotton Fabric. Advanced Materials, 2010. 22(48): p. 5473-5477.


5. 获奖情况:



6. 代表性授权专利(发明专利)



