1. 个人简介:
郭亚平博士,研究员/博士生导师,中国硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会理事。主持完成国家自然科学基金、上海市科委基础研究领域重点项目、宝武集团环境资源科技有限公司等20余项。以通讯或第一作者在Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Cleaner Production等期刊发表SCI论文100余篇,总引用数超过3100次,h-index达34。中国发明专利已授权21项。
2. 主要研究方向:
[1] 生物活性陶瓷的设计和制备
[3] 导热界面材料的开发和应用
3. 代表性科研项目:
[1] 废铂回收及铂基催化剂的技术开发,横峰县凯怡实业有限公司,2022.10-2024.9。
[2] 活性炭纤维基复合材料的制备及其在电镀废水处理中的应用,上海市科委地方院校能力建设项目,2018.4-2021.3。
[3] 以矿渣微粉为原料制备羟基磷灰石用于吸附电镀污水中的重金属离子的技术开发,宝武集团环境资源科技有限公司,2017.1-2018.5。
[5] 以矿渣微粉为原料制备磷灰石和分子筛重金属吸附材料的开发,宝钢发展有限公司,2015.6.1-2016.7.30
[7]原位模板牺牲法制备磁性介孔磷灰石微球及生物学性能研究,国家自然科学基金(青年),2011.1- 2013.12
4. 代表性论文及著作:
[1] Wen-Jun Qiang, Qing Huang, Jia-Hao Shen, Qin-Fei Ke, Jun-Ying Lü, Ya-Ping Guo*, Copper oxide and manganese dioxide nanoparticles on corrugated glass-fiber supporters promote thermocatalytic oxidation of formaldehyde, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 368, 133089.
[2] Danya Chen, Pei Liu, Mengna Li, Changqing Zhang, Youshui Gao*, Yaping Guo*, Nacre-mimetic hydroxyapatite/chitosan/gelatin layered scaffolds modifying substance P for subchondral bone regeneration, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 291, 119575.
[3] Jing-Jing Shi, Yu-Wei Ge, Zhang-Hao Fan, Yang Li*, Wei-Tao Jia*, Ya-Ping Guo*, Graphene oxide-modified layered double hydroxide/chitosan nacre-mimetic scaffolds treat breast cancer metastasis-induced bone defects, Carbon, 2022, 200, 63-74.
[4] Min Chu, Zhenyu Sun, Zhanghao Fan, Degang Yu, Yuanqing Mao*, Yaping Guo*, Bi-directional regulation functions of lanthanum-substituted layered double hydroxide nanohybrid scaffolds via activating osteogenesis and inhibiting osteoclastogenesis for osteoporotic bone regeneration, Theranostics, 2021, 11, 6717-6734.
[5] Daoyu Zhu, Bin Lu, Qianhao Yang, Hongping Yu, Pei Liu, Junhui Yin, Yixuan Chen, Yigang Huang, Qinfei Ke, Changqing Zhang*, Yaping Guo*, Youshui Gao*, Lanthanum-doped mesoporous bioglasses/chitosan composite scaffolds enhance synchronous osteogenesis and angiogenesis for augmented osseous regeneration, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 405, 127077.
[6] Pei-Pei Zhao, Yu-Wei Ge, Xiao-Liang Liu, Qin-Fei Ke, Jing-Wei Zhang, Zhen-An Zhu*, Ya-Ping Guo*, Ordered arrangement of hydrated GdPO4 nanorods in magnetic chitosan matrix promotes tumor photothermal therapy and bone regeneration against breast cancer bone metastases, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 381, 122694
[7] Chuan-Jian Zhang, Min Hu, Qin-Fei Ke, Cui-Xiang Guo, Ya-Jun Guo, Ya-Ping Guo*, Nacre-inspired hydroxyapatite/chitosan layered composites effectively remove lead ions in continuous-flow wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 386, 121999.
[8] Ya-Qi Tang, Qi-Yang Wang, Qin-Fei Ke, Chang-Qing Zhang, Jun-Jie Guan, Ya-Ping Guo*, Mineralization of ytterbium-doped hydroxyapatite nanorod arrays in magnetic chitosan scaffolds improves osteogenic and angiogenic abilities for bone defect healing, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 387, 124166.
[9]Bin Lu, Dao-Yu Zhu, Jun-Hui Yin, HeXu, Chang-Qing Zhang, Qin-Fei Ke, You-Shui Gao, Ya-Ping Guo, Incorporation of cerium oxide in hollow mesoporous bioglass scaffolds for enhanced bone regeneration by activating the ERK signaling pathway, Biofabrication, 2019, 11, 025012.
[10] Pei-Pei Zhao, Hao-Ran Hu, Jia-Yu Liu, Qin-Fei Ke, Xiao-YuanPeng, Hao Ding*, Ya-Ping Guo*, Gadolinium phosphate/chitosan scaffolds promote new bone regeneration via Smad/Runx2 pathway, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 359, 1120-1129.
[11] Min Hu, Fei Xiao, Qin-Fei Ke, Yang Li*, Xiao-Dong Chen*, Ya-Ping Guo*, Cerium-doped whitlockite nanohybrid scaffolds promote new bone regeneration via SMAD signaling pathway, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 359, 1-12.
[12] Haoran Hu, Peipei Zhao, Jiayu Liu, Qinfei Ke, Changqing Zhang, Yaping Guo*, Hao Ding*, Lanthanum phosphate/chitosan scaffolds enhance cytocompatibility and osteogenic efficiency via the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2018, 16, 98.
[13] Yixuan Chen, Jianqing Yu, Qinfei Ke, Youshui Gao, Changqing Zhang*, Yaping Guo*, Bioinspired fabrication of carbonated hydroxyapatite/chitosan nanohybrid scaffolds loaded with TWS119 for bone regeneration, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 341, 112-125.
[14] He Xu, Yu-Wei Ge, Jia-Wei Lu, Qin-Fei Ke, Zhi-Qing Liu, Zhen-An Zhu*, Ya-Ping Guo*, Icariin loaded-hollow bioglass/chitosan therapeutic scaffolds promote osteogenic differentiation and bone regeneration, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 354, 285-294.
[15]Jia-WeiLu, FanYang, Qin-FeiKe, Xue-TaoXie, Ya-PingGuo, Magnetic nanoparticles modified-porous scaffolds for bone regeneration and photothermal therapy against tumors, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 2018, 14, 811-822.
[16] Yi-Xuan Chen, Rong Zhu, Qin-Fei Ke, You-Shui Gao, Chang-Qing Zhang*, Ya-Ping Guo*, MgAl layered double hydroxide/chitosan porous scaffolds loaded with PFTα to promote bone regeneration, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 6765-6776.
[17] Ming-Jun Tian, Fang Liao, Qin-Fei Ke, Ya-Jun Guo, Ya-Ping Guo*, Synergetic effect of titanium dioxide ultralong nanofibers and activated carbon fibers on adsorption and photodegradation of toluene, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 328, 962-976.
[18] Min Li, Bin Lu, Qin-Fei Ke, Ya-Jun Guo, Ya-Ping Guo*, Synergetic effect between adsorption and photodegradation on nanostructured TiO2/activated carbon fiber felt porous composites for toluene removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 333, 88-98.
[19] Ya-Ping Guo, Li-Hua Guo, Yong-bo Yao, Cong-Qin Ning and Ya-Jun Guo. Magnetic Mesoporous Carbonated Hydroxyapatite Microspheres with Hierarchical Nanostructure for Drug Delivery System. Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 12215-12217.
[20] Yaping Guo, Haijin Wang, Yajun Guo, Lihua Guo, Lianfeng Chu, Cuixiang Guo. Fabrication and Characterization of Hierarchical ZSM-5 Zeolites by Using Organosilanes as Additives. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 166, 391-400.
[1] Ya-Ping Guo, Jun-ying Lü, Qin-Fei Ke. Chapter 4: Mesoporous Bioactive Glasses: Fabrication, Structure, Drug Delivery Property, and Therapeutic Potential, Elsevier, 2018
5. 代表性授权专利:
[1]郭亚平、张川建、李孟娜、樊怡冰、程五魁、蒋照远;范章豪、储敏、郭亚军.一种羟基磷灰石/壳聚糖复合材料及其制备方法和应用(ZL 201911043801.5),授权日:2022.09.06
[2] 郭亚平、赵培培、柯勤飞、郭翠香、张川建.一种稀土磷酸盐/生物活性高分子三维多孔复合材料、其制备方法和应用(ZL201810831941.8),授权日: 2021.06.25
[4] 郭亚平、温玺、胡敏、尹瑞、柯勤飞、徐合.球形介孔硅酸钙/壳聚糖三维多孔支架材料、制备方法及应用(ZL201710732607.2),授权日:2020.10.16
[5] 郭亚平、李敏、柯勤飞、温玺、徐合.一种高吸附-光催化性能的纳米二氧化钛/活性炭纤维毡三维多孔材料及其制备方法(ZL201610737919.8),授权日:2018.11.16
[6] 郭亚平、曹丹丹、张辉、田明俊、柯勤飞.一种水滑石/壳聚糖三维多孔支架及其制备方法(ZL201510756110.5),授权日:2018.08.31
[7] 郭亚平、雷勇、陈伟、柯勤飞、郭亚军. 碳酸根型羟基磷灰石/壳聚糖三维多孔复合材料及制法(ZL201510141968.0),授权日:2017.03.01
[8] 郭亚平、雷勇、曹丹丹、柯勤飞、徐合. 一种纳米二氧化钛/壳聚糖三维多孔复合材料及其制备方法(ZL201510144031.9),授权日:2017.08.29
[9]郭亚平、郭亚军、陈婷、褚联峰. 一种有序介孔ZSM-5分子筛及其制备方法(ZL201310067265.9 ),授权日:2016.5.11
[10] 郭亚平、陈伟、雷勇、宋真富、柯勤飞. 一种具有取向磁场的磁性羟基磷灰石/高分子三维多孔支架材料及其制备方法(ZL201410334393.X),授权日:2016.3.30
[11] 郭亚平、郭亚军、陈婷、褚联峰. 微喷射自由成型系统制备三维有序多级孔分子筛催化剂(ZL201210594606.3),授权日:2015.9.9
[12] 郭亚平、陈伟、唐沙、柯勤飞、郭亚军. 一种有序棒状羟基磷灰石涂层及其制备方法(ZL201310333025.9),授权日:2015.4.1
[13] 郭亚平、余锡宾、刘怡卓、阳俊. 磁性介孔生物玻璃药物传递系统及其制备方法(ZL201210480060.9),授权日:2015.1.21
[14] 郭亚平、唐沙、柯勤飞、陈伟、郭亚军. 碳纤维基羟基磷灰石/壳聚糖复合多孔支架材料及其制备方法(ZL201310210931.X),授权日:2014.10.29
[15] 郭亚平、唐沙、柯勤飞、宋真富、郭亚军. 羟基磷灰石/壳聚糖复合涂层及其制备方法(ZL201310210932.4),授权日:2014.11.5
[16]郭亚平、姚勇波、郭亚军、褚联峰. 水热法制备磁性介孔磷灰石微球材料的方法(ZL201010294228.8),授权日:2013.5.29
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